Dr Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Why Choose Us- What Makes Us Different

Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Team of Experienced Specialist

We have top specialists like orthodontists, oral surgeons, implantologists, child specialist dentists who have ample experience and are trained from the best colleges of India like KIMMS, AIIMS and Manipal University. That means you get the best care possible anywhere in India.

Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Best quality materials and equipments

All our equipments and materials are from top International brands and are best in class. No cheap chinese products to take care of your precious teeth.


Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry potentially offers a more comfortable treatment option for a number of dental procedures involving hard or soft tissue compared to drills and other non-laser tools. 

Laser dentistry is used in a variety of procedures, including:

Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Painfree Dentistry

We have the best possible instruments and equipments to give you the most painfree and high quality experience  


Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Safety Hygiene

Hygiene and safety of the patient is our top most priority. We have equipment like a B class Autoclave to provide high degree of sterilization.

This is to ensure that you are safe from infections like Herpes, Heaptitis, HIV etc. We cover all the surfaces with barriers which are changed after every patient to prevent cross infection

Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Integrity & Honesty

We believe in transparency during consultation and treatment planning,  providing satisfaction and high quality experience is  our main goal and we try our best achieve it. Our staff is very well trained and friendly


Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Dental Smile Software

“Doc, how will I look after the procedure?”

In today’s advanced world, every dental patient would like to visualize different treatment outcomes on their smile and their appearance before committing to any procedure.

Quick and Easy-to-use, Simulation, and Digital Smile Design Software.

We can generate natural smile simulations, right in the first consult or even over virtual consultation platforms, using simple photos. 


Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio


 Cash, credit card, debit card, online payments accepted

0% Healthcare finance available.


Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Easily Accesible

We are located in the city, heart of bangalore – Frazer town, Bangalore.

Easily accesible via car as well as public transport.

Parking Space is available


Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Wheel Chair Accessible

We have lift accessibility from basement which can help old patients.

The is spacious to accommodate  


Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio

Highy Reviewed On Google

Its important that you know what our patients think of us and what they have experienced with us.
we have all 5 star verified google reviews and we try our level best to do better and maintain the same standards   
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