Dr. Noor Saira's Dental Studio
Why Choose Us- What Makes Us Different
Budding Dentist of the year at FAMDENT 2017

Rising Star clinical excellence Award at IACDE 2017

Awarded with 10 gold medals on convocation day- for subject wise topping every year ( bds) 2011
Award of honor from IDA

Awarded with Dr. V. S. Krishna nayak award at 38th indian dental association conference 2010 (Best Student In Prosthodontics)
Awarded with Dr. K S Ganapathy award at 38th indian dental association conference 2010 (Best Student In oral medicine)

Awarded with Dr. K. G Ghorpade award at 38th indian dental association conference 2010 (Best Student In oral surgery)
Highest rank student at the indian society of periodontology 2010

Awarded with trophies for over all topping every year

Dr Kuber award
Dr Venkataraman Award

Dr Matrusri Ramabhai Ambedkar Award
Dr Faizudin Award

The Daily Pasban Bangalore- 23/10/11, for achieving 10 gold medals and 8 trophies for subject wise and over all topping in BDS
DNA (2012) for achieving 2nd rank in comedk 2012

Times paper - 2nd rank comedk 2012
Salar Daily Bangalore - 06/03/ 2012